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My site is loading slow.
There is a large amount of natural variation in the actual amount of crawling on any given day...
What is your policy on Spamming or Bulk Emailing?
Spamming and bulk e-mailing are not tolerated at any cost. KreativeBirds users that spam or bulk...
What are your backup procedures like?
We have weekly backups to second hard drive in each server. Although we attempt to make sure your...
I have an intensive CGI script I would like to run. What happens if it uses too much of the server? Will you shut me down?
Usually, we never spontaneously shut down sites. We are fairly liberal when it comes to server...
Does KreativeBirds support PHP, MySQL and/or Perl?
Yes, all our servers support the latest stable versions of PHP, MySQL and Perl. At KreativeBirds...